CCI believes in the power of working in partnership with others to maximise the impact of what we do.
Working at the hyper-local level is critical within our programmes. We set out to gather around each the systems that will bring energy and opportunities for the work to root and grow there. Working creatively naturally makes more tangible these many connections that can be explored and maintained.
This might mean that a school builds a new relationship with a nearby nature reserve and those who care for it or that families from another school learn of ways to join local activities for example. During Covid we collaborated with young people to co-create new resources for others as part of the Creative Care programme. More recently CCI artists have supported young people to contribute their voices to discussions on the changing nature of their city.
We also build partnerships with organisations with a regional, national or international focus to amplify the impact of the work.
More about Partnerships

CCI was a founding partner of this new consortium of organisations working to improve children and young people’s mental health and well-being across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Health Settings
CCI has a strong tradition of work in health settings, particularly with Cambridge University Hospitals, a community of 40,000 staff and patients.

Read more about our commitment to research and dissemination with partners here.
Latest News
What fantastic young advocates you are. Your message to us to slow down is so important. I saw too how important ArtScapers has been for parents and teachers too. An extraordinary presentation. Thank you.
Tracy Brabin MP, speaking to young Artscapers at Westminster
Being an ArtScaper means to look at something and make your own ideas. Then, just think of the idea you thought of before and mix it up so you can make something even bigger and newer. Then just design it.. then just find stuff that might be used in the future and use that to help you build it.
Jared, 8, Mayfield Primary School
In these pages you will find something glorious, splendid and deeply familiar blinking awake, but for too long marginalised and forgotten. Don’t avoid its gaze, rather allow yourself to fall in love with it, to trust what you discover and allow yourself to be transported by it. This is a precious gift, and I am deeply grateful for it.
Rob Hopkins, Artscapers: Being and Becoming Creative