Our vision is of a society of individuals and communities for whom creativity is such a valued and accessible part of their lives that it empowers them to become more fully themselves, more richly alive and more responsive to the challenging, difficult and beautiful world.

We are a group of creative practitioners and thinkers that exists to foster the growth of individual and collective creativity through meaningful engagement and collaborative practice. We seek to work in ways that are inclusive, democratic, enquiring, rigorous and open-ended.

We believe that curiosity and imagination matter. Without them our world can be overwhelming and frightening, with them it can become a place of wonder where we feel we can belong. Our work is driven by a vision of an inclusive, revitalised, accessible and creative society that embraces these qualitiesChildren are at the heart of our work; their ideas and questions lead the way. Our approach is committed to genuine co-creation with a focus on developing a sense of agency for everyone involved.

A day in the woods

Our values, developed from 20 years of evidence rich practice and research, are:

  • Working in local partnerships to ensure invitations to collaborate are rooted and relevant to the context
  • Ensuring all opportunities are engaging – planning all experiences to be playful, authentic, and co-created with everyone contributing equally
  • Starting with trust – trusting children to lead the way, in powerful imaginations, in the richness of the real world, in the power of creative engagement and in the creativity of everyone
  • Reflective - documenting the learning in projects and reflecting together
  • Planning for sustainability – exploring ways to ensure the impact is sustained


CCI Threads
Staff of Horizons mapping their responses to nature